Free CD's of Workshop Talks - by Apostolate of Prayer Speakers available - email to order
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Apostolate of Prayer in the Holy Spirit - Workshop - March 24, 2007
Spiritual Warfare-See video 1 hour
Jesus Risen Movie - 6 min.
Jesus Emmaus Walk movie - 12 min
Healing Teaching-Intro-See video 4-min.
How to Pray for Healing-Part 1-See video hour
How to Pray for Healing-Part 2-See video 40 min.
Visions of Our Blessed Lady - Movie Video - 56 min.
Growing in Holiness-Listening to the Holy Spirit-See video Part 1 - 60 min
Growing in Holiness-Part 2-See video 39 min
Growing in Holiness-Part 3-"Three Secrets"- See video 55 min
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Conference for Apostolate of Prayer in the Holy Spirit

"Be Filled With the Power of His Holy Spirit"

The Apostolate of Prayer in the Holy Spirit will do three workshops at St. Anne's Church in Gilbert, Az. on April 5, 12, and 19th. They will be from 9 to 3 p.m.

The workshop speaker for the Apostolate will be Leo Fasciocco who will address those preparing to receive the sacrament of confirmation.

The topics will cover:

1. "Meeting the Holy Spirit"

2. "Prayer - and Invitation to Meet the Holy Spirit"

3. "Meeting the Holy Spirit in Sacred Scriptures"

4. "The Spiritual Athlete"

5. "Spiritual Warfare"

6. "Going Forth in the Power of the Holy Spirit to Spread the Good News"

Phoenix Bishop Thomas Olmstead and St. Anne's Pastor Father Greg Schlarb at St. Anne's Church

Apostolate of Prayer Workshop Video Teachings

(These videos, video slide shows and audio clips are best viewed with a high-speed connection such as cable or DSL line.)

Date Workshop Topic See Video Slide Show See Video Movie

September 18, 2004
Saturday 10 to 2
Workshop - Growing in Holiness - Listening to the Holy Spirit
(To grow in holiness one must pray, listen, discern and act on the inspirations of the Holy Spirit.)
Very powerful teaching on how to make Jesus the Master of your life.
Speakers - Leo Fasciocco and Don Baur
CD available on request
"Growing in Holiness-Listening to the Holy Spirit" -See video Part 1 - (60 min.)

"Growing in Holiness" -Part 2-See video - (39 min.)

"Growing in Holiness"-Part 3- "Three Secrets"- See video - (55 min.)
Not Available

October 20, 2004
Saturday 10 to 2
Workshop - "Put on the Armor of the Lord"
(Equipping the Christian for Spiritual Warfare against the world, the flesh and evil one. You will learn about the battlefield - the interior one and the exterior one and how to handle any spiritual skirmish. This is a must hear tape for the maturing christian.)
Speakers Leo Fasciocco and Don Baur
CD available on request
"Spiritual Warfare"-See video - (60 min. ) Not Available

June 18, 2005
Saturday 10 to 2
Workshop - "How to Enrich Your Life with the Power of Peace and Healing Through Intimacy with Jesus"
Come and learn to give all your cares to the Lord, Jesus and be open to His healing. Come and let the Power of the Holy Spirit wash away all your problems and guide you in making the right decisions for the Lord.
Speakers: Leo Fasciocco and Don Baur
CD available on request
Not Available "Taking Your Problems to the Master - Jesus" - Leo Fasciocco - (60 - min. video movie)
Healing the Whole Person - Leo Fasciocco - (video movie - 60 min.)
"Living Everyday in the Tender Embrace of God" - Don Baur - (35 min. video movie)

May 21, 2005
Saturday 10 to 2
Workshop - "How to Get in Spiritual Shape and Stay in Shape to Run the Race for the Lord"
(You will learn to set up your own spiritual training schedule, experience peace and joy in your heart no matter what the circumstances and learn to have a recollected Spirit and pray the contemplative Rosary (reps)
Speakers: Leo Fasciocco and Don Baur
CD available on request
"Spiritual Fitness" Talk - Part 1 - (60 min.) - Leo Fasciocco
"Spiritual Fitness" Talk - Part 2 - 60 min." - Leo Fasciocco
"Spiritual Fitness" - Part 1 - (60 min. Video Movie) - Leo Fasciocco
"Spiritual Fitness" - Part 2 - (60 min. Video Movie) - Leo Fasciocco

April 16, 2005
Saturday 10 to 2
Workshop - "How to Experience the Signs and Wonders of the Power of the Holy Spirit in Your Life"
(You will learn to pray with the "Eyes of Faith" and see the wonders of the Lord working in peoples lives. God our Father is at work. "Do you not see what I am doing?")
Speakers: Leo Fasciocco and Don Baur
CD available on request
Not Available "Signs and Wonders" - part 1 (Video movie 45 min.) -Leo Fasciocco
"Signs and Wonders" - part 2 (Video movie 30 min.) - Leo Fasciocco
"Signs and Wonders" - part 3 (Video movie - 45 min.) - Don Baur

January 15, 2005
Saturday 10 to 2
Workshop - "How You Can Pray For Healing - Physical, Emotional and Spiritual - For Yourself and Others"
(Healing is available to all who ask. The way is to pray and open yourself up the power of the Holy Spirit and also to receive his guiding inspirations. The Lord heals in all ways and sometimes in the most unexpected circumstances. "I have come to heal the broken hearted.")
Speakers Leo Fasciocco and Don Baur
CD available on request
"Healing Teaching-Intro" -See video 4-min.

"How to Pray for Healing" -Part 1- See video - 60 min.) Leo Fasciocco

"How to Pray for Healing" -Part 2-(See video 40 min.) Leo Fasciocco
Not Available

January 28, 2006
Saturday 10 to 2
Workshop - "How to Deepen Your Prayer Life and Intimacy with the Holy Spirit"
(Intimate prayer to Jesus brings Peace which leads us to minister to others. "It is not I who lives but Chris who lives within Me.")
Speakers Leo Fasciocco and Don Baur
CD available on request
To Come "The Interior Road Map to Intimacy with the Holy Spirit" - by Leo Fasciocco -(55 min.)
"Experiencing God in the Deepest Level of Your Heart" by Don Baur - (45 min.)
"Practical Guidelines to Bring the Power of the Holy Spirit to bear on People and Situations" by Leo Fasciocco (47min.)

April 8, 2006
Saturday 10 to 2
Workshop - "Experiencing Healing and Strength through the Power of the Mercy of Jesus"
If one is open to receive the mercy of Jesus and let His mercy flow through to others via the power of the Holy Spirit, it will lead to healings for yourself and others and growth in a deeper love of God. "It is Mercy I desire not sacrifice."
Speakers Leo Fasciocco and Don Baur
CD available on request
Not Available "The Power of the Mercy of Jesus to Change Our Lives" by Leo Fasciocco (72 minutes)
"Experiencing the Tender Mercy of God in Silence and Solitude" by Don Baur (40 minutes)

June 17,2006
Saturday 10 to 2
Workshop - "How to Pray and Have a More Loving Relationship with God"
The Holy Spirit will lead you to become the true disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ that you are called to be. He will sanctify you and lead you to a deeper love of the Master.
Speakers: Leo Fasciocco and Don Baur
CD available on request
Not Available "The Holy Spirit and the 5 Ds - Discipleship, Dependence, Distractions, Discernment, Decisiveness" by Leo Fasciocco
Part 1 - (20 min.)

"The Holy Spirit and the 5 Ds"
Part 2 - (50 min.)

"The Jesus Prayer" by Don Baur - "30 min."

"The Jesus Prayer" Part 2 by Don Baur - (20 min.)

August 26, 2006 - Saturday 9 to 7
Phoenix Diocese Catholic Singles Group Prayer Workshop
Getting to Know the Holy Spirit
Speakers Leo Fasciocco
and Deacon Joseph Lessard of Phoenix

(The Holy Spirit gives us the power to praise and live a life worthy of the calling and blessings of our Father. "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down upon you."
CD available on request
Deacon Joe Lessard - Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Audio - Windows Media Part 1

Deacon Joe - Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Part 2
Not Available
Living in the Spirit - Recognizing and Listening to the Holy Spirit - By Leo Fasciocco
Living in the Spirit - Part 2 - Living Your Life in the Power of the Holy Spirit - By Leo Fasciocco

September 9, 2006 - Saturday 10 to 2
"Living the Catholic Mystical Life of the Holy Spirit - How It Can Empower You"
Speakers Leo Fasciocco and Don Baur
("I pray that they may be one Father as we are one." These talks take you into the deep mysical life of contemplation and explain the various phases of prayer. You will also get a better understanding of the mystical movements of the Holy Spirit, including extraordinary activity.
CD available on request
Not available "The Mystical Power of the Holy Spirit - How it can Turn Your Life Around" - by Leo Fasciocco

"Special Catholic Mystical Phenomena" - by Leo Fasciocco

Living the Mystical Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers - Part 1 By Don Baur

Prayer Meditation - by Don Baur
See bios of Leo Fasciocco and Don Baur
Workshop Comments
Leo and Don,
Thank you for such a wonderful and powerful Saturday at Mt. Claret. Not only was the presentation superb, but the setting at Mt. Claret, the food and all you did to make it such a blessing was not left unnoticed.
Sorry, I had to leave early for a wedding. I plan to share all you taught with my prayer group and many others.
May Christ Jesus continue to bless and use you for His Glory and honor!
God bless you,
Carmela, Chandler, Az.

I want to thank you again for your very fine day of renewal that you gave at Mount Claret. Not only was the message delivered in a very professional manner but also the use of audio-visual equipment was also high class.
Hope that you will let me know when you are going to give another day of renewal because I would like to attend.
Keep up the good work that you are doing for the Lord. The Catholic Church needs more men like you who are willing and able to proclaim the Good News.
You might consider giving the same kind of day of renewal in the Spanish language. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Joseph, Phoenix

Thank you very much for the CDs you sent. I'm sorry it has taken me a while to get this sent to you, but I wanted to make a nice donation.
Thanks again. Thanks also for doing God's work. We need more people like you (Leo and Don)
In Christ,
Pheoenix, Az.

Peace be with you, Leo and Don,
I am writing you a small thank you note for yesterday's gathering at Mount Claret. It was for me a day of confirmation of the many things to which you spoke of and what the lord has taught me.
The scripture given to me during the time spent there in reflection was from the letter of St. James 3: 13-18.
In discerning the topic and the spirit, this was for me, what the Lord has been teaching me to recognize "that of his and that which is not since 1995."
I enjoyed the day, the praise, the teachings, May Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews, preserve you and the ministry....
Your brother in Christ Jesus,
Alfredo Osuna

To Leo and Don
From Gretchen Harris
Thank you for letting me know about the video!
Wow, that is a very nice thing to do with my recording.
I did take time to look through your website. Very, very nice.
You are doing some great stuff for the Lord.
Thank you again and may God bless your ministry abundantly!
Gretchen Harris

Frank Karam from California,
We encourage everyone to listen to Leo and Don. They have a strong devotion to the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Mother. May God bless them and the work they do.

Maria from Chandler, Az.: It was great! Loved every moment. Wished it could have been a whole weekend. I left the workshop on high.
